Capturing and Analyzing Fitness Activity Data with Garmin and Labfront

Capturing and Analyzing Fitness Activity Data with Garmin and Labfront

Explore the practical applications of capturing and analyzing sport-related and fitness data using Garmin Activity in Labfront. We'll demonstrate how this powerful combination can offer researchers granularity in their data, even with older Garmin devices.

Jul 19, 2023
By the Labfront Team
garmin watch and activity datagarmin watch and activity data
garmin watch and activity data
Capturing and Analyzing Fitness Activity Data with Garmin and Labfront

Capturing and Analyzing Fitness Activity Data with Garmin and Labfront

Explore the practical applications of capturing and analyzing sport-related and fitness data using Garmin Activity in Labfront. We'll demonstrate how this powerful combination can offer researchers granularity in their data, even with older Garmin devices.

An In-Depth View of Fitness Activities

Garmin devices stand out for their ability to monitor an impressive list of fitness activities - running, cycling, swimming, hiking, yoga, and strength training, just to name a few. In essence, if your body is up to the task, Garmin is ready to track it. While this holds clear advantages for fitness aficionados, it also opens up a realm of possibilities for researchers, allowing them to collect in-depth, high-resolution activity data--even when using older Garmin models.

All participants need to do is start their activities on the Garmin device and researchers will have access to a wealth of precise data points. This provides a intricate view into each unique activity and opens up avenues for thorough analysis. In this article, we'll explore how capturing Garmin activity data can contribute to your research and how Labfront simplifies the process.

person running with garmin activity data

Organized and Detailed Activity Analysis

The extensive activity data is conveniently organized into Labfront's various folders, each providing insights that can enrich your understanding of a participant’s fitness behavior. For instance, the Activity Summary offers a high-level overview of each activity with metrics like total distance, average speed and maximum heart rate.

By delving into the Activity Details Sample data, researchers gain access to granular data that paints a more complete picture of every activity. The data in this folder is akin to taking a snapshot at particular moments within the activity, capturing the current GPS coordinates, speed, elevation, and and much more, allowing for an in-depth analysis of each run, swim, yoga session, etc. 

labfront's garmin data files

Auto-Detection of Activities

Beyond manually started activities, Garmin's Move IQ feature takes the convenience factor to the next level. It automatically identifies periods of movement that align with certain exercise patterns and tags them as events. This means even the exercises not initiated by participants are still accounted for, giving you a comprehensive overview of their daily activity levels.

Use Case: Improving Rehabilitation Practices for Stroke Patients

To understand how valuable the Garmin-Labfront combination can be, imagine a study focusing on rehabilitation practices for stroke patients. The project involves a series of exercises tailored to improve balance, coordination, and strength.

Participants wear Garmin devices, and the researchers instruct them on the activities they need to perform daily - both supervised and unsupervised - which will be tracked by creating tasks in Labfront. These activities could include a simple walk around the block, a few minutes of mild strength training, or even basic yoga poses.

stroke patient and labfront app

Throughout the day, the Garmin device continuously collects data, and specific fitness activities started by the participants will be recognized and logged.

With the data collected and uploaded to Labfront, researchers can more easily analyze it and track participants' progress. The Activity Summary provides a broad overview of each participant’s daily activity levels and they can dive deeper into the Activity Details Sample data to observe more precise information.

For instance, during a walking exercise, did the patient's heart rate increase beyond a certain limit? If so, was it because the exercise was too strenuous or due to other factors like stress or temperature? These details help researchers tailor the exercises more precisely to each participant's needs and capabilities.

Furthermore, they can analyze patterns over time. Are the participants showing signs of improvement? Are they managing more activities with less strain on their heart rate? Is their pace during walking activities improving?

Such analysis is made possible with the data-rich environment created by the integration of Garmin devices and Labfront. This level of insight can help improve stroke rehabilitation, potentially helping thousands of patients make a faster, healthier recovery.

This is just one example. The application of Garmin activity data in Labfront can be useful across various domains, such as sports science, public health, behavioral studies, and beyond. 

The Bottom Line

In the realm of health research, the more detailed the data, the better the potential insights. With Garmin's activity information and Labfront's robust data management capabilities, researchers can tap into extensive and vital data.

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Try Garmin activity data in your next project!

Sign up for a free Labfront account and see for yourself how Garmin's activity data can contribute to your research.

Last medically reviewed on
Jul 20, 2023
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Posts from the team behind Labfront, presented by Luna, the Labfront Shiba Inu.

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“Now, more than ever, we need tools like Labfront that can help researchers take their research and data collection virtual.”
Dr. Gloria Yeh
Dr. Gloria Yeh, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
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“The Labfront team was extremely responsive to our requests and made every effort to accommodate our unique needs.”
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Yogev Kivity, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer of Psychology, Bar Ilan University
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"Labfront's analysts understood our needs as researchers and saved us weeks of work when they prepared our datasets for analysis."
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Bryan Edwards, Professor, Joe Synar Chair
Management Department, Oklahoma State University
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“The physiological data really helped provide deeper insights.  We recommend Labfront and will definitely be using it again!”
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Dr. Kristin Scott, PhD
Professor of Business, Clemson University
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